Technical requirements

The browser version of Geo-wind works on all OS, which support flashplayer from Version 10.1.
The app version is independant from the flashplayer and works also on iOS.

You can download the app, which is free of charge, from the different app stores.
Air Apps for notebooks and netbooks are available here in the Geo-wind shop.

To ensure, that your device supports Flash player 10.1, see the list of Flash Player 10.1 certified devices or go to the page, where the features of your device are displayed.
May be, you have to download Flashplayer 10.1, or higher, first.
In order to  test,  if your device is supported, go to the start page of and display the example.

Geo-wind works with the entire spectrum of available bandwidth from broadband to very small transferrates like in satellite telefones.
The normal version (NO Version) of Geo-wind works fine on DSL 1000-2000 and UMTS
In GSM nets slower download times must be anticipated.
More informations how to optimal employ the given transfer rate and about the usage of Geo-wind under bad transfer conditions are provided in the Geo-wind video.